Your college experience is primarily influenced by the classes you take, the professors
you work with, and the other students who share the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 learning community with you.
You may already know what you want your major to be, and your program of study is
already mapped out. On the other hand, you may be coming to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 to explore your professional
options and choose your major after your first or second semester, so your map will
be more general at first. Wherever you may be once you are accepted to 澳门足球博彩官方网址, you will
be working with faculty advisors and campus resources designed to put YOU at the center
of your curriculum.
All 澳门足球博彩官方网址 majors and academic programs have been “mapped” to reflect course sequences
for meeting major requirements, basic skills expectations, and University Core Curriculum
expectations/electives. College deans, program directors, and department chairs are
your primary resources for advising.
The UNIVERSITY CORE CURRICULUM (UCC) is an integral component of the learning process at Vincennes University. The
UCC encompasses learning outcomes that the faculty of Vincennes University have established
as a minimum expectation of students graduating from Vincennes University. The UCC
Outcomes along with the Indiana Statewide Transfer General Education Outcomes describe
the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes students should demonstrate upon program
completion. THESE COURSES help prepare our students for future careers and educational pursuits.
To register for classes, students must have an academic advisor. Your advisor is a
faculty person in your major area or a faculty advisor working to help you determine
to your major/career path. To find your advisor, you must go to 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x.
With Degree Works in 澳门足球博彩官方网址-x, both you and your advisor can easily see the map you are
following to complete the journey toward graduation. Degree Works Planner shows the
semester by semester plan you are following for your degree. Degree Audit Worksheet
shows how your progress is audited to fulfill the requirements for your degree. For
example, if you transfer in credit to 澳门足球博彩官方网址, that credit will show up on your Audit Worksheet,
since your Planner reflects the courses you are taking at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.
What if you change your major or want to consider another major? Your Degree Audit
Worksheet will allow you to see “what if’ with another major in mind.
TheCORE TRANSFER LIBRARY (CTL)is a listing of courses that will transfer to all Indiana public college and university
campuses in one of two ways:
The CTL course will receive credit for the designated equivalent course at the transfer
campus and meet the transfer campus degree program requirements in an equivalent manner,
If there is no agreed- upon directly equivalent course, the CTL course will transfer
as an elective requirement of the undergraduate degree program provided the program
has room for elective credits. CTL transferability is contingent upon a student earning
a C grade or higher in the transfer course. These courses are indicated in the Vincennes
University catalog and schedule with the transferIN attribute.
Academic Probation, re-admission: Dean of Students812-888-4241
Part-time student advising: Students must apply for admission as a non-degree seeking
student. Please contact admissions at812-888-4313.
Non-degree seeking students are advised at the Student Success Center at812-888-4451.